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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One World, One Crisis
Wilfred Hahn


Huge developments are sweeping the entire world in recent times like tidal waves. First, a “globalization bubble” unfolded over the past several decades—one that was popularly thought would never end—then followed by the biggest and most rapid bust of world financial and real estate wealth since the 1930s (in fact, even worse). Next, the most invasive and coordinated intervention of governments has occurred around the world as they attempt to resuscitate plunging economies and bail out failing companies. In tandem, a desperate bout of money manipulation has unfolded.

Crucially, none of these developments were expected by the world’s policymakers or societies at large even a year ago. It all happened rapidly … like a sudden trap. No doubt, these are treacherous times where the unsuspecting are being herded from one disaster to another. Just how can the average household either anticipate or navigate through such see-saw conditions? It can be seen as an early sign of the times … the global period of trouble and anxiety where faith runs cold (Matthew 24:12). What next? As grim as it might seem in some parts of the world, it is not yet the end for the world, nor has the apocalypse begun.

Signs of the Times

No doubt, we are witnessing important signs of various endtime trends. Consider that never before in history—even than during the two world wars of the past century—has global opinion been so galvanized and unified to a common view. From Iceland to Vietnam, from rural China to downtown Zürich, whether business people or consumers, all are battening down the hatches in response to the global “financial heart attack” that has crippled the world recently.

The recent shakings of the false gods of global prosperity have struck fear into the remotest parts of the globe. Filipino guest workers in the Arab Emirates are flocking home, running away from debts and obligations. Possibly as many as 20 million Chinese have lost their jobs in recent times. The evidence is everywhere. In international policymaking circles, harried meetings are being held to find solutions to economic and financial ail. What we see is something very remarkable: Never before has the entire world behaved so much as one monolithic culture.


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